Sustainable Shopping: How to Be a Conscious Consumer Guide

My philosophy is that my hard earned money doesn't get to be spent just anywhere. 

I try to be as intentional as possible with where I shop, who gets my money, and who I’m supporting in the process. 

Over the last 4 years, I have audited my purchase, who I buy from, and made changes to divest my own dollars from big box retailers and large corporations. 

Large corps and big-box retailers who only care about their bottom line and are willing to sacrifice their customer’s (and employees/laborers) to optimize it…

And are owned by giant private equity firms that truly have a monopoly on the market without us consumers even realizing. 

There’s so much to dig into when it comes to just how many products on the shelves are owned by 3-4 large private equity (investment) firms...

Who doesn't care about you or the product, they’re willing to choose a less safe or quality ingredient to maximize their bottom line and CEO salaries. 

Once a private equity firm buys a business, the formula usually changes…

I just know that I would rather support a small business or family/founder-owned businesses 

When you shop small, you’re igniting a dream for someone, for a family, for your community to flourish. 

I grew up in a small family business and I know just how hard it is to keep going, competing with larger competitors and retailers who are far too comfy compromising on quality for profits. 

When companies compromise on quality, they’re compromising on your health, your well being, the well being of the environment, and anything good that originally stemmed from the product. 

And your dollars are fueling a machine that’s only growing without your interests in mind. 

Small businesses typically care more about you and their mission - and the good ones that stay founder/family owned, will fight tooth and nail to keep it that way. 

After an extensive audit of my typically purchased personal care and home products, I have narrowed it down to 80-90% small business/family-owned/founder-owned businesses. 

Most of these businesses have a sustainability angle, but some are just more sustainable because the product itself is nontoxic. 

Disclaimer: I will be sharing links in this post, however, next to each link I specify where or not I earn commission. Everything that I share is based on me actually using it and liking it enough to share with another person.

Table of Contents

Brands I trust

Home Products

Personal Products


Brands I Trust & Support

My criteria for purchasing a brand has only gotten more rigorous as I’ve become a more conscious consumer. 

I’m constantly vetting new brands, keeping up with the news of larger brands and acquisitions, and changing my buying behaviors to better align with my values. 

Look, I’m not perfect and no one expects you to be either - this is simply a guide.

Being a conscious consumer is not about perfection, just as being (environmentally) sustainable is not about being zero waste, it’s about voting with our dollars…

And realizing that we have so much power as consumers.

An argument I hear often when it comes to climate change/sustainability: “yeah but CORPORATIONS are the ones who got us into this mess, and now all the blame is put on consumers”.

My rebuttal: Who do you think keeps them in business? There are alternatives, small businesses that are dying for your support and looking to do good by you. We have options in our market, let’s put them to use. I say it’s time to start being conscientious about where you spend your money. 

So let’s take our power back together, here are my tried and true brands (April 2024, subject to change):

  • Thrive Market 

Founder-owned marketplace-style business that uplifts smaller and more environmentally-friendly brands, certified B corp, they also donate a membership to a less fortunate family, better prices compared to Sprouts/Whole Foods (I have compared many lol)

  • Branch Basics

Founder-owned non-toxic cleaning supply business, have yet to purchase from but I’m switching from Blueland laundry/dishwashing supplies to Branch Basics. 

  • Zero Waste Store

Founder owned business for sustainable home and personal goods, Florida-based, I like them as a brand because they provide affordable “alternative” goods (i.e. not made from plastic), they are transparent and disclose what the goods are packaged in most, if not all, of which is compostable or recyclable.

  • Dr. Bronner’s 

Dr. Bronner’s has been around 150 years and remains a family-owned business with 5 generations of soap makers, strong values rooted in social justice, environment, and their customers. They have a clean product (castile soap), I have used their Sal’s Suds for years and nowadays I get it from Thrive Market, but thinking about placing a bigger order directly from their site!

  • Kitsch 

Disclaimer: I haven’t bought from this brand yet (April 2024) but it’s the next one I want to try because my favorite shampoo/conditioner bar company, Ethique, was sold to private equity. It’s supposed to be a small private equity group that only invests in businesses that are “good for the world” - but I just don’t know enough about them, so it’s going to be a no from me dawg. I rather support smaller brands for SO many reasons (see above).

  • Humble Brands

My natural deodorant is made right here in the USA! I love this small business and their natural deodorant formula, the only one I’ve noticed works for me. Been using their brand for over two years and recommend it all the time.

  • Mane ‘n Tail

This is a brand my mom grew up buying, it’s the iconic “horse hair” brand. It actually started as a shampoo for horses but it worked so well for humans, the family decided to turn it into a business. Years later, it’s still family owned. 

Home Products

Laundry detergent: 

OUT: Blueland, Tide, Gain, Seventh Generation, any detergents that come in pods/sheets, and all other large brands 


  • Greenwashing (Blueland claims their packaging is compostable, yet hold no certifications to prove such)

  • harmful chemicals

  • sold in large plastic jugs

  • not good for you or the planet (Tide & all other large brands)

  • brands owned by large corporations that are owned by private equity

IN: Branch Basics Laundry Detergent 


  • Nontoxic

  • Refillable concentrate

  • Biodegradable formula

  • Environmental Working Group (EWG) Certified

  • Made Safe Certified

  • Leaping Bunny Certified (cruelty-free)

REC: Branch Basics (not an affiliate link)

Dryer Sheets:

OUT: Dryer sheets (any brand)


  • Single-use plastic

  • Made of synthetic polyester (plastic) which causes even more microplastics to enter our waterways

  • Fragrances are endocrine disruptors and putting them on your clothes is having it on your skin (body’s largest organ) 24/7

  • Not really necessary in the grand scheme of things

  • Wasteful plastic

  • Brands owned by large corporations that are owned by private equity

IN: Reusable Wool Dryer Balls


  • Reusable

  • Natural fibers

  • Dries clothes faster

  • Plastic-free

  • Infinitely reusable

  • Add essential oils directly on the ball for a nice scent

REC: Zero Waste Store (affiliate link, I earn commission) or Thrive Market (rewards for me, 40% your first order with a $59.95/year membership for you) 

Disinfectant All-Purpose Cleaning Spray:

OUT: Clorox, Fabuloso, Windex, Seventh Generation, and other conventional cleaning products 

  • Harmful chemicals for human and environmental health

  • Sold by large corporations owned by private equity

  • Shameful marketing tactics: you don’t need 8 different cleaning agents and you’ve been sold and scared into the idea that to be considered clean, you need to use a bunch of harmful chemicals and if you don’t you’re “dirty”….  nothing sells like shame…

IN: DIY White Vinegar Solution 


  • Nontoxic ingredient

  • Still disinfects as well as other conventional cleaners

  • 2 ingredients (vinegar + water)

  • Easy to make 

  • Accessible

REC: DIY - buy a large bottle of distilled white vinegar, rinse out an old spray bottle, 1:1 ratio water to vinegar (add essential oils if you don’t like the smell!) (no link!)

Paper Towels

OUT: Paper towels


  • Costly

  • Unnecessary

  • Uses lots of resources and trees to be created

  • A product that was created in a consumption obsessed world

  • Many countries don’t even use paper towels (not part of the culture)

  • Wasteful

  • Sold by large corporations owned by private equity

IN: Reusable paper towels from Zero Waste Store, cutting rags into DIY reusable paper towels 

WHY? Washable, doesn’t use trees, works just as well as paper towels, renewable, way more cost effective

REC: Thrive Market (rewards for me, 40% your first order with a $59.95/year membership for you) 

Dishwashing Soap 

OUT: Dawn Dish Soap, Palmolive, Seventh Generation, other conventional brands


  • Harmful for the environment

  • Harmful to human health/water supplies

  • Endocrine disrupting ingredients

  • Leaves harmful residue on dishes

  • Sold by large corporations owned by private equity

IN: Dr. Bronner’s Sal’s Suds


  • Family-owned business

  • Biodegradable formula

  • Not harmful to you or the planet (your hands are touching it and you ingest residue left on the plate)

  • Pleasant evergreen scent, nontoxic ingredients 

REC: Dr. Bronner’s Sal’s Suds - purchase directly from their site or at Thrive Market (rewards for me, 40% your first order with a $59.95/year membership for you) 

Dishwasher Detergent

OUT: Any type of “pod”, Seventh Generation, Finish, Cascade, generic brands


  • Pods are made from plastic (PVA) a thin plastic that doesn’t dissolve and becomes microplastics in our waterways

  • Harmful ingredients leaving a residue on dishes where you eat your foodS

  • Sold by large corporations owned by private equity who have compromised on quality and ingredients

  • It’s going on the thing you eat your food off of people

IN: fragrance-free, nontoxic detergent, from a small business/founder owned business

  • Better for me and my family

  • Better for the environment

  • Supporting “the little guy” instead of a corporate machine

REC: Grab-Green Fragrance Free Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, bought from Thrive Market (rewards for me, 40% your first order with a $59.95/year membership for you) 

Hand Soap

OUT: Dial, SoftSoap Aquarium Series, Dove, Seventh Generation, Method, Meyer’s 


  • Harmful endocrine disrupting fragrances

  • Sold by large corporations owned by private equity

IN: hand soap concentrate

  • No plastic

  • Better for me and my family

  • Better for the environment

  • Supporting “the little guy” instead of a corporate machine

REC: Dr. Bronner’s Castille Soap purchase directly from their site or at Thrive Market (rewards for me, 40% your first order with a $59.95/year membership for you)  

Other recs: Meliora Foaming Hand Soap Refill Tablets Zero Waste Store (affiliate link, I earn commission) 

Toilet Paper + Bidet Combo

Honestly, I don’t know enough about this yet. I want to get a bidet and think it’s a great idea, but right now we get Quilted Northern 32 mega rolls on Amazon (one of the only purchases we make on Amazon (no subscription) and we place the order every 3-4 months). Only pro I can see is that it comes in paper packaging instead of plastic, a win is a win! 

Personal Care Products


OUT: Secret, Dove, Native deodorant, Old Spice, Almay, Mitchum, Lume Deodorant, 


  • Owned by private equity

  • Harmful chemicals

  • Mostly virgin plastic packaging 

IN: Humble Brands Deodorant (I use the vegan formulas as it doesn’t have baking soda which has irritated me in the past)


  • Made in the USA (Taos, New Mexico)

  • Natural/nontoxic ingredients

  • Family owned and operated

  • Post-recycled consumer plastic packaging and paper packaging options

  • Made with simple ingredients
    Dedicated to sustainability: they use solar to run their facilities

  • Donates 1% to a social or environmental justice nonprofit

  • Their customer service is great!

REC: Humble Brands (you get $5, I get rewards) - I use vegan/unscented formula the most, but any of the fragranced vegan ones work great (its vegan and made without baking soda, which is an irritant for me) 


OUT: bottled shampoo, conventional brands like Dove, Garnier Frutise, Pantene, Redkin, Tresemme, most plastic packaged shampoo I know I’m missing some! 


  • Packaging is plastic = major pollutant

  • Selling you mostly water

  • The formula is bad for the water supply and harmful for our hair and overall health

  • Simpler ingredients

  • Made by a small owned and operated business 

IN: Shampoo bars, shampoo made from concentrate, post consumer recycled packaging 

  • Plastic free

  • Great for hair

  • Nontoxic formula (no SLS, parabens, preservatives, silicones, GMOs, artificial colors, or fragrances)

  • Vegan 

  • Cruelty free

REC: Sunshine Shampoo Bar Zero Waste Store (affiliate link, I earn commission) + possibly Kitsch, stay tuned  


OUT: bottled condition, conventional brands like Dove, Garnier Frutise, Pantene, Redkin, Tresemme, most plastic packaged conditioner I know I’m missing some! 

  • Much like shampoo: Packaging is plastic = major pollutant

  • The formula is bad for the water supply and harmful for our hair and overall health

  • Simpler ingredients

  • Made by a family owned and operated business 

IN: conditioner bars, conditioner made from concentrate, post consumer recycled packaging, family owned  

  • Family owned

  • Nourishing and nontoxic ingredients

  • Helps hair grow/looks shiny 

REC: Mane N’ Tail Nourishing Conditioner 32 oz lasts me 6 months (buy it from them directly online is always best, but if you can’t, they are sold at major retailers ), I have had trouble finding a moisturizing conditioner bar that works for my hair so this is what I’m using for now.

Body Wash/Soap

OUT: body wash


  • Plastic packaging

  • Selling you mostly water

  • The formula is bad for the water supply 

  • Harmful for our skin and overall health due to residues

IN: body soap

  • Plastic free

  • Concentrated formulas so you’re not paying for water

  • Effective yet harmless ingredients like coconut oil, olive oil, beef tallow, etc., 

REC: Dr. Bronner’s on Thrive Market (rewards for me, 40% your first order with a $59.95/year membership for you)  


OUT: washing yourself with plastic (or nothing at all 

  • The pieces break off without us seeing, leading to microplastics in our waterways

  • If we’re trying to avoid plastic all together, why are we washing ourselves with it?!

  • Harbors bacteria

IN: Natural Loofah


  • Doesn’t contain/release microplastic

  • Natural fiber

  • Can be composted

REC: Natural Loofah Zero Waste Store (affiliate link, I earn commissions) 

SPF + Moisturizer

OUT: chemical sunscreen, virgin plastic sunscreen


IN: mineral sunscreen, post consumer recycled or aluminum (recyclable) packaging, Stream2Sea


  • Better UV coverage

  • Made in the USA

  • Not harmful to aquatic life 

  • Stream2Sea uses infinitely recyclable aluminum packaging and post-consumer recycled packaging

  • Stream2Sea has certifications to prove their formulas do not hurt aquatic life

  • Woman owned & founded

  • Small business owned

  • Florida-based

REC: Acure Moisturizing SPF Thrive Market (rewards for me, 40% your first order with a $59.95/year membership for you)  & Stream2Sea 

Other recs: Stream2Sea (20% off for you, I get commission) Squalene + Stream2Sea Everyday Active Mineral Sunscreen or the Stream2Sea Everyday Tint Mineral Sunscreen


OUT: bottled cleansers, harmful ingredients, benzoyl peroxide, drug store brands

  • Plastics

  • Harmful chemicals 

  • Harmful chemicals entering our water supply 

  • Supporting big box retailers owned by private equity 

IN: African black soap 

  • Natural astringent

  • No harmful chemicals

  • Naturally derived ingredients

REC: I bought mine a few years ago for 1 pound for $10 and I’ve been chipping away at that huge block. I found this business on TikTok that sells black African soap so I will buy directly from them and let you know!

Dry shampoo

OUT: aerosol dry shampoo

  • Harmful for the planet (harmful chemicals entering our air)

  • Harmful to human health to breath it in and have on our scalps

  • Harmful ingredients

  • Doesn’t add much volume 

  • Made by the same private equity owned brands 

IN: Powder dry shampoo


  • Small business

  • Minimal, all-natural ingredients

  • Volumizing 

  • Not in an aerosol spray can

  • “13-Free” formulations (made without the following 13 ingredients: parabens, sulfates, silicones, phthalates, triclosans, drying alcohols, mineral Oil, DEAs, artificial fragrances, artificial dyes, petroleum, talc, aluminum 

REC: Hair Dance Volumizing Hair Dry Shampoo Powder (affiliate link, I make commission), use code 10ALEXA for 10% off your order

Hair Brush

OUT: plastic brushes 

  • Plastic brush bristles wear out easily so you have to keep buying new ones

  • Made of plastic (goes into trash at end of life)

IN: bamboo/natural fiber brushes


  • Natural fibers 

  • Can be composted 

  • Sold by Zero Waste Store 

REC: Bamboo Hair Brush Zero Waste Store


As you can see this is an imperfect list. There are things I need to find a better place to buy from and some things I just need to do more research on (toilet paper, for example). My hope is to keep updating this list and letting you know when I do. Most of the products are purchased from small businesses or family/founder-owned businesses, eventually hoping to make all my purchases with these establishments. As a consumer, where I source something from is just as important as the product itself. I hope I’ve explained why I believe it’s so important to shift our buying habits from supporting big corporations to small businesses and family/owned-businesses. If I haven’t, please feel free to reach out to me to discuss it further by scrolling all the way up and hitting the “reach alexa” button in the top right hand corner. Thank you for reading and thanks for going green!


Sustainable Swaps: Kitchen Edition - 10 Swaps to Eliminate Plastic, Aim for Nontoxic While Starting Slow