hi, i’m alexa!

Copywriter, marketing strategist, project manager, and overall life-enthusiast!

My mission is to make your business more money by building a strong brand story and consistent message through an omni-channel approach. 

My values


Clear communication is my bread and butter. I value your time by getting straight to the point and not wasting a moment. Integrity is the name of my game and it starts with having open communication, not shying away from tough conversations.


I cherish collaboration and brainstorming sessions. Part of creativity is ensuring we give each project enough dedicated time and attention so we’re not rushing the process. This gives us the space to refine each line of copy that will represent the brand.


Who said business has to be boring and stuffy? I aim to make business a pleasurable experience, full of laughter and lightheartedness. Having fun breeds creativity and collaboration, reducing stress, and believe it or not, leads to better results.


Nothing gets me more excited than bouncing ideas back and forth with a client. We get to build and breakdown, while finding the weak points of an idea to strengthen it further. Combine each of our expertise with the flow of ideation… now you’ve got some juicy copy and enticing strategy. 


Before I do anything, I ask myself why. If we don’t know why we’re doing something, 1) we probably don’t need to do it, 2) won’t stick it out when the going gets tough. Knowing the “why” behind every task and action allows us to gain more time back and lead lives with purpose.

I’m the copywriter & marketing specialist for your business if…

✔  Your business exists to leave a positive impact on the world

✔ You’re looking to delegate this part of the business to someone solely focused on making you more money and your life easier

✔ You love to brainstorm, bounce ideas around, enjoy experimenting, questioning systems, enhancing efficiency, and challenging “how it’s always been done”

We’re probably not a match if…

❌ Your business does not mirror the values you emulate

❌  If you’re inflexible and use sentiments such as “we have always done it this way”, aka you’re weary of change

❌ You think marketing is some type of overnight, get-rich-quick scheme


When I’m not working on improving your business’ messaging, building rapport with your audience, and creating irresistible promos for your biz, you can find me on the beach, reading, scuba diving, rollerblading, going for a walk, dreaming up a new trip, cooking, or continuing my education into business and marketing.

Shortly after, I found Alex Cattoni on YouTube and proceeded to spend any extra money I had investing in her copywriting courses. Within 8 months of learning copywriting, I was able to launch my business and go full-time with copywriting as my sole form of income in October 2021. Since then, I have worked with dozens of brands in various industries, but sustainable businesses and brands have my heart. There’s something about using my marketing and writing skills to bring positive change into the world that makes me beam with pride and gratitude.

My business and writing ventures unknowingly began when I was around 10 years old at my parents’ scuba diving business. As my parents are immigrants from Brazil, their written English doesn’t read like a native speaker's. Yet, they understood the importance of communicating effectively with their customers. Like any resourceful business owner, they asked their oldest daughter, a 10 year old, to rewrite it with more clarity. This of course set me on the path to become an excellent writer, communicator, and the family business copywriter forevermore. 

Working in the family business while growing up gave me various perspectives on business and entrepreneurship. My college career led to earning two bachelor’s degrees in biomedical science and public health - I didn’t consider entrepreneurship part of my path. It wasn’t until 2020 when I was back working at my parent’s small business after it was sold to new ownership. I saw a gap in marketing that needed to be filled, I knew it was up to me.

My Services

  • After providing a brief background of your business on the form, we will have a 90-minute Zoom call where we audit the overall marketing strategy of your business and identify 3 areas of improvement. I will audit each of the 3 areas, providing copy critique, design suggestions, and a broader overall strategy for the brand utilizing the 3 areas of improvement. At the end of the call, you will receive a recording.

  • A deep dive into your business with the goal of improving your overall messaging to evolve your business into a brand. A brand that is consistent in messaging and creates an imprint on the minds of consumers. We start with a 90-minute Branding Call to dive into your business’ goal, vision, and values.

  • Outsource your marketing so you can focus on your zone of genius.

    From website building to email list management and long-form content, like blogging, I’ll handle strategy, copywriting, and publishing the information. I will also devise the overall strategy to bring eyeballs to your brand.

  • Whether you’re looking for social media content or long-form content, like YouTube or Podcasts, the Conscious Content Clips team has the talent to bring it all together. I work alongside the team to develop the strategy and the team delivers high-quality production, bringing value to your audience.